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It is our responsiblity?

missional lifestyle, the City, thinking green - by - January 11, 2012 - 14:17 Etc/GMT+5 - Be first to Comment!

Trash everywhere. That is one thing I am noticing about this urban living. Sure, Main street is nice and clean, but that is because people are paid to keep the trash cleaned up. What about the rest of the streets we live on? Who is responsible to cleaning them up?

I have come the the conclusion that one way we can love our city is to be responsible and help clean it up. Did I put the trash there? probably not. But I live here, work here, play here, so it is my responsibility now. There is no one else.

I have been encouraging the kids to help me pick up a bag of trash while we walk – or maybe a bag or recyclables. There is still plenty of trash on the ground, honestly, we can fill bags easily within a block. But little by little there is less trash and it looks like a nicer place. If more of us would just take a few minutes more and help clean up, imagine the difference it would make.

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