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Is EXCELLENCE a dirty Word? (Part 3)

Excellence in the Arts, Media - by - July 28, 2007 - 00:50 Etc/GMT+5 - Be first to Comment!

(part one HERE)

Last week we talked about what NOT to do – but what should we be doing to be operating in excellence?

Creating Media that is part of the entire message of the service – it fits and is part of the whole.

Video that blends with the worship, not standing out from it. Graphics that reinforces the sermon, not confusing it or driving it. Backgrounds that reinforces the song we are singing, not distract from the words of the song. A good read on this topic can be found at: http://tinyurl.com/yvsqyj

Lighting that directs your attention where it needs to be, and helps hide things that might distract or hinder worshiping. Light that set and support the mood, not just become a show.

Audio that is just the right level that help us sing out and feel the congregation singing. A mix that conveys the worship from the platform to the pews. A recording that becomes a witnessing tool for a church member.

We are here to worship and glorify God and help others to do the same. So not only should we be actively getting rid of the bad things in the ministry, we also need to actively pursue doing more to enhance and reinforce the service.

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