» Tagged 'marketing'

Church: Stop Wasting God’s Money

Excellence in the Arts, Technology - by - August 17, 2009 - 17:15 Etc/GMT+5 - Be first to Comment!

I read this blog post (Church Planters: Stop Wasting God’s Money) by Bob Thune this morning and I can say I completely agree with him. Yet- I also feel there is more to it that applies to more than just church planters.  The people who make up the church often buy into marketing hype. They purchase goods and services they don’t really need.  This side of the story is just as wasteful and probably more prevalent in the church. Full Story

Church and Technology

missional lifestyle, the City - by - May 14, 2009 - 04:08 Etc/GMT+5 - Be first to Comment!

Why would your church worry about being on ” the internet’s’ “? This topic is discussed on today’s The Resurgence blog.


Excellence in the Arts - by - December 22, 2007 - 15:16 Etc/GMT+5 - Be first to Comment!

Where Are We Going
As we approach a new year it is natural to look back over previous years and look ahead at what is to come. So what does the new year hold for the media ministry? While somethings never change and there are a lot of unknowns, there are a few specific areas I would like to challenge us as a team to strive for in 2008.

More Media, More People. In keeping with our mission, the first goal is to make even more media resources available to even more people. This may involve releasing media in more formats, making the media more available or even making the resources better known through marketing and advertising.

Increase the Quality. From the technical standpoint, push down the noise floors, increase the bit-rates and sampling rates, improve the compression, improve the resolution. From an artist standpoint, improve the mix, smooth the shots, capture the moment, up the expectation.

Become More Flexible. By finishing up some of our infa-structure projects and carefully planning future purchases and installations we can make our systems and equipment more flexible to meet the changing needs of the ministries we serve while at the same time decreasing the amount of time and work it takes to meet these needs.

What are your thoughts?


Media - by - September 11, 2007 - 01:31 Etc/GMT+5 - Be first to Comment!

Making it stick
I am not a marketing expert, but I have learned a few things about effective marketing over the years. One element of the marketing trade is branding – that is, making an association between a product or service and a logo / slogan / identity. The purpose is to make the product or service more recognizable and memorable, usually to get you to buy it more often.

Where does this branding fit in with our media ministry? While we are not out to sell anything, we are trying to make a message more memorable, and branding the media is one way to accomplish this. We also work on promoting worship series, classes, ministries, events and even our church, all of which can benefit from a “brand” recognition.

Branding message series helps create a whole out of the parts. It ties them together and helps connect the pieces in our mind. This includes media covers, bumper, flyers, posters, fonts and even the worship song backgrounds. In the future this may include the “feel” of the services – lighting, room decor, color schemes, screen elements, foyer layout and many other components.

Branding our media ministry also gives us a method of reminding people of the resources that we make available. By having our media logo on everything we “produce” it reminds people that there is more than just this one item they are holding available. It also serves as advertising for our team, reminding people that someone put this media together. This can help us recruit new team members among other things.

It is important that once a brand has been established to stick with it and use it faithfully and repeatedly. Corporations understand this and spend large amounts promoting and protecting their brands. For us this means making sure all of our media has our team logo on it. For worship series we need to remember our theme and stick to it (graphics, looks, feel). Finally, we need to look for ways to brand and market more effectively.