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Media Projects

Media - by - January 14, 2008 - 19:52 Etc/GMT+5 - Be first to Comment!

What’s Up?

These are the projects that the media team is currently working on:

Network and server move. You have seen it on the list forever, progress has been slow, but we are starting to make some headway. All the routers and switches are in place, and the media server has already been relocated. We now are programing the network gear so we can move the rest of the servers to the new server closet. We still need to set up the DSL & AP at the JC building and get the vpn established.

On stage cables and power. In an effort to be more flexible but also clean up some of the mess on stage, we are starting a few new projects upfront. We will install more power outlets and a breaker box under the stage so we have plenty of power for lighting without worrying what outlets are shared with other areas of the building. We will also install 4 more cable access holes in the stage to help reduce the number of cables running across the choir loft. Finally, we will install a speaker patch bay at the amp rack to make it easier to plug speakers into the closest jack instead of running cables back and forth across the stage.

Media Room Remodel. No, we are not starting again, just still working on finishing. We still need to build an island counter to replace the card table the Petersons have loaned us for the last year. We will also be installing task lighting on dimmers to better help control the light levels in the media room and get light where we need it. We have some cabinets that need finished and some painting, and that window at A4V.

Support in Training Rooms / JC. While the Livingston room is fairly set for media, we have a lot of other smaller “venues” that are used for LIFE classes, spanish service and other ministry classes that need to be able to audio / video and even lighting. We would like to install audio / video systems similar to what is in the choir room in the east training room, CC room and at the JC campus, while making them easier to use and maintain.


Excellence in the Arts - by - December 22, 2007 - 15:16 Etc/GMT+5 - Be first to Comment!

Where Are We Going
As we approach a new year it is natural to look back over previous years and look ahead at what is to come. So what does the new year hold for the media ministry? While somethings never change and there are a lot of unknowns, there are a few specific areas I would like to challenge us as a team to strive for in 2008.

More Media, More People. In keeping with our mission, the first goal is to make even more media resources available to even more people. This may involve releasing media in more formats, making the media more available or even making the resources better known through marketing and advertising.

Increase the Quality. From the technical standpoint, push down the noise floors, increase the bit-rates and sampling rates, improve the compression, improve the resolution. From an artist standpoint, improve the mix, smooth the shots, capture the moment, up the expectation.

Become More Flexible. By finishing up some of our infa-structure projects and carefully planning future purchases and installations we can make our systems and equipment more flexible to meet the changing needs of the ministries we serve while at the same time decreasing the amount of time and work it takes to meet these needs.

What are your thoughts?

Production Mode

Excellence in the Arts, Media - by - December 10, 2007 - 21:42 Etc/GMT+5 - Be first to Comment!

A few quick reminders
With the Christmas choir musical upon us, I want to remind you about being in “Production Mode” as a media team.
Rehearsals: Because the musical requires more from us than a regular service, we each need to attend the rehearsals and pay attention, practicing our part so that we can work / worship in excellence for the musical. There should be no real surprises as the musical is fairly scripted and we will have rehearsed numerous times each part.
Dress: Those who are working in the sanctuary and especially those working near the stage need to dress in their “blacks” for the musical. Black shirt, black pants, blank shoes – and NO WHITE SOCKS! If you don’t have black, choose as dark and plain clothes as possible. We don’t want to call attention to ourselves and we want to make sure the focus stays on the platform and the message being presented there.
Communications: Remember that we need to effectively communicate to work together as a team. Video / IMAG / Lighting Team – Please wear your headsets at all times during rehearsals and the service. Audio and Production team, please keep your radios with you and turned on. If you are in the media room, please keep the chatter down and keep an eye and ear on what is going on so we can work together and make this service run smooth as possible.
Call Times: I mentioned last week what call times were, please make sure you are ready to go by your call time.

The Little Thing that didn’t get Done

Excellence in the Arts, Media - by - November 26, 2007 - 18:07 Etc/GMT+5 - Be first to Comment!

missing the details
there is so much to do and so little time to do it how is it all to get done the answer of course is some of it will not get done because there is always more to do that time and resources to do so what is important how do we decide what what to stay late and finish verses what gets left for some other time or possible not finished at all what about the items that get forgotten
often the highest priorities are those which squeak the loudest or those that are most obvious then come the times that are most important to the people who are available to work if there is time left the easy to know off the list items get done but what does that leave usually the maintenance and prevention items those to dos that may not get noticed right now but when they pile up and dont get done over time major problems can happen projectors dying in the middle of services system failures equipment that will not turn on and even safety issues
the point is that often the weekly to dos that dont get done are important and should have been done because they didnt get finished we end up having problems that stress people out and can cause interruptions to the services
how can we prevent this and make sure these things are taken care of first and foremost it will require more help from those of you who haven’t made it to a worknight in a while if everyone would make it to at least one worknight or alternate time every month we would be able to get our weekly chore list done without stressing out our families and spouses and without so much of the burden on the few who tend to carry most of the load
with the christmas musical just around the corner, there is more to do than normal and some of it is urgent if you have been able to follow this article even with the missing details such as punctuation and capitalization i hope you realize the importance of the little details. if you havent been able to follow well were praying for you


Media - by - November 21, 2007 - 04:39 Etc/GMT+5 - Be first to Comment!


This time of year we set aside to purposefully thank the Lord for His provisions and blessings. I encourage each of you to take a few minutes alone with the Lord, and go thru every area / aspect of your life (spiritual, eternal, family, work, home, ministry, health, physical, possessions, etc) and thank God our Father for His provision and His blessings beyond our needs. Not only will this time glorify the Lord in our life and eyes, but it will help each of us make an attitude adjustment that we each so need.

We are heading into the “Christmas” [Holiday, Winter Break] season where advertisers will do everything they can to make you feel like you need more stuff, better stuff, bigger stuff. These advertisements will tell us how much better our life will be if we give “this” and get “that” – offering us better lives, happier relationships, success and even wealth, just for buying their wares.

We need to be on guard and prepared to face this onslaught of desire and dis-satisfaction, and the best defense is to be truly thankful for what we do have.

So what does this have to do with the media ministry? First and foremost, I am thankful to be serving with each of you, thankful for the opportunity to worship together in service to our King, the Lord Jesus Christ. Second, it is easy to get caught up in the greed when we work around all this stuff – the equipment that we use to preform our service. It is easy to wish for a better mixer or dream about how much easier our life would be with a digital re-sound mix-la-fier. Let’s stop right now and be grateful for the opportunities we have and the tools that have been provided to us.

I pray that you and your families have a blessed Thanksgiving and a true heart of thankfulness.

Cross Festival 2007

the City - by - November 5, 2007 - 16:59 Etc/GMT+5 - Be first to Comment!

What is it? Why Be Involved?
The Cross Festival (www.crossfestival.org) is a annual Christian Music Festival here in Austin. It is being held November 17th, 11:30am – 10pm, at Auditorium Shores. Featuring a mix of all different styles of music, bands from all over the country, the Cross Festival is a family friendly event that hopes to encourage Christians in unity around the cross and thru music.
This years band lineup is focusing on “crossover” music, a perfect opportunity to reach out to the community and your neighbors and invite them. Please visit the website for more information, opportunities to volunteer and promotional downloads.

Whatever it Takes

Media - by - October 29, 2007 - 20:45 Etc/GMT+5 - Be first to Comment!

Just Get the Message Out
Why do we have so many technical problems? Recently I was pondering this question while working on a server that, despite all the built in redundancy, crashed taking with it a large part of our media vault. The Answer? Because we have the mindset of “Whatever it takes”, many of our technical difficulties arise from pushing the limits of what the equipment was designed to do.

We don’t have large operating budgets, or even a small IT department. Much of our infrastructure is old or built out of donated and mixed and matched parts. Most of the human resources are volunteers working on their “off” time. Yet we serve-up large quantities of media in a wide variety of formats, host multiple websites located in multiple locations, broadcast our services live world wide using advanced streaming technologies, produce weekly radio programs, multiple video productions per month and weekly services on an on-going and continuous basis.

To support these technical task, the High Pointe media team uses whatever tools and equipment available to them and figures out how to make it do what they need, even if it was not designed to do that. This “Whatever it takes” or MacGyver attitude allows us to reach out with the gospel and the biblical training from inside the walls of our building and distribute it globally. This involves using the resources we have wisely and creatively and looking for ways to do more and do it better.

Oh, and the server? We performed some no-cost upgrades and hope to have it back online soon:

Tech Question Answered

Media - by - October 5, 2007 - 17:21 Etc/GMT+5 - 1 Comment

In my previous post I questioned the use of technology and discussed how it helps but also hurts our ministry. This week Mark Driscoll (Mars Hill Church, Seattle) posted a video discussing the use of video technology in church, specifically for sermon delivery. In it he discusses the church and technology from a biblical, historical, cultural and practical standpoint. So pour yourself a cup of coffee and watch it here. (m4v video format, I suggest opening it in iTunes.)

The Edge – and falling off

Media - by - October 1, 2007 - 22:12 Etc/GMT+5 - 2 Comments

Tech and Ministry

I am continually amazed at how technology can be used for ministry and the opportunities that are available to us. The high-tech tools are used in many different ways, influencing the art, the distribution, the atmosphere and the administration of our ministry.

Technology has allowed artists to create and display their works in new and exciting ways. This is true for the artistic side of the media ministry also – from layouts to creating cover art or backgrounds. We use computers and software to quickly do what hand drawings, scissors, glue and a room full of copy-artists were required to do just a few years ago. Technology has also allowed new forms of art to be created that were not available even 10 years ago.

Technology has expanded the reach of our ministry. No longer are we limited by how fast the mail can travel or how long it takes to drive to church, but now someone on the other side of the globe can instantly receive resources from our church, including the sermon in real time.

Technology allows us to shape and mold the atmosphere where we gather to worship, and change it quickly and easily. Lighting, sound, projection, HVAC, inexpensive decor pieces and other items allow us to create a changing atmosphere that can flow with our corporate worship allowing us to focus and help eliminate distractions.

Technology allows us to quickly communicate with our team, coordinating our ever busier schedules and work together without ever having to actually see each other.

Technology is also responsible for some of the problems that require these high-tech solutions.

  • Has modern technology lowered our standard of “good art” by enabling “fast art” by anyone?
  • Has it created the requirement for us to broadcast our services live so our members can watch it because this technology requires business trips?
  • Have we become so distracted by the glitz and flash around us that we need help focusing to worship?
  • Does technology limit our personal interactions by keeping us busy in-front of our screens?

So in the end, is this tech revolution good or bad?

In but Different

missional lifestyle, the City - by - September 26, 2007 - 01:25 Etc/GMT+5 - Be first to Comment!

Listening to a Tim Keller teaching I was struck by an illustration he gave.

Jeremiah 29 – the captives who were carried away to Babylon wanted to remain separate, stay outside of Babylon and remain pure. The Babylonians wanted the exiles to come into the city, to assimilate, lose their cultural identity and become like the Babylonians.
But God told them thru Jeremiah that He wanted them to do the hardest thing possible. Don’t stay out and be different, don’t go in and become like them, but go deeply in and stay very different.

This is exactly what we are told in 1 Peter chapter 2. Seek the welfare of the city, pray for peace, submit to the governors, but remain different. Abstain from fleshly lust… having your conduct honorable, that God may be Glorified.

We need to follow these principle, as even Christ was our example. Loving even our enemies, serving, giving and at the same time preaching and teaching the Gospel. Loving our neighbors, pouring ourselves out for them, but also telling them they are going to hell without Christ because of their sin and God’s wrath. How can I do a better job being both prophetic and priestly?