» Media

Behind the Scenes

Media - by - September 18, 2007 - 00:16 Etc/GMT+5 - Be first to Comment!

the making of the ministry

I was talking with Greg (not his real name) after the service Sunday morning when I mentioned the media team’s need for help on Wednesday evenings during work night. Greg looked at me and said “You mean y’all work up here during the week also?”

Greg’s response is not uncommon. I often find people are surprised by the amount of time and effort that goes into the media ministry during the week. Without this weekly work many parts of our weekend services would be different or not happen at all. Many people have never stopped to think about what is required to create the elements of the service and how they come together, it just happens (which means there is no distraction.)

I thought I would list out here what goes on during the week, just to document it in one place. I quickly realized I do not have the space to capture it all, so here is an abbreviated list:

  • Last week’s media & Notes on the website & podcast, including editing, encoding and publishing. Average 18 hours, 4 people.
  • Newsletters, Crew Schedules, website updates, resources (supplies) and calendars. Average time 10 hours, 3 people.
  • Preparation of songs, sermon notes, announcements, bumpers, countdowns, thirds, tech-sheets, media labels and other service media. Average 12 hours, 5 people.
  • Setup, Shoot, Cleanup, Edit a testimony video (Baptism or New member). Average 16 hours, 5 people.
  • Cleanup, maintenance and repair of equipment and spaces. Average 20 hours, 8 people.

So an “Average” weekend service requires about 76 man hours of preparation work from the media team, not including the long term projects and responsibilities not directly related to the services such as computers, building maintenance or installing new equipment.

Next time Greg or someone else mentions they would like to help, but they don’t have any time on Sunday, point them to this list and let them know we can use their help anytime, not just on Sunday.


Media - by - September 11, 2007 - 01:31 Etc/GMT+5 - Be first to Comment!

Making it stick
I am not a marketing expert, but I have learned a few things about effective marketing over the years. One element of the marketing trade is branding – that is, making an association between a product or service and a logo / slogan / identity. The purpose is to make the product or service more recognizable and memorable, usually to get you to buy it more often.

Where does this branding fit in with our media ministry? While we are not out to sell anything, we are trying to make a message more memorable, and branding the media is one way to accomplish this. We also work on promoting worship series, classes, ministries, events and even our church, all of which can benefit from a “brand” recognition.

Branding message series helps create a whole out of the parts. It ties them together and helps connect the pieces in our mind. This includes media covers, bumper, flyers, posters, fonts and even the worship song backgrounds. In the future this may include the “feel” of the services – lighting, room decor, color schemes, screen elements, foyer layout and many other components.

Branding our media ministry also gives us a method of reminding people of the resources that we make available. By having our media logo on everything we “produce” it reminds people that there is more than just this one item they are holding available. It also serves as advertising for our team, reminding people that someone put this media together. This can help us recruit new team members among other things.

It is important that once a brand has been established to stick with it and use it faithfully and repeatedly. Corporations understand this and spend large amounts promoting and protecting their brands. For us this means making sure all of our media has our team logo on it. For worship series we need to remember our theme and stick to it (graphics, looks, feel). Finally, we need to look for ways to brand and market more effectively.

Show or Worship?

Media - by - August 27, 2007 - 22:39 Etc/GMT+5 - Be first to Comment!

It’s About the Heart
Stage Lights, Sets, Sound Systems, Bumper Videos – All elements of our worship… or are they elements of a staged show? As the sub-heading above alludes too, the difference often comes down to the attitude of the heart.

Now as a media director, I hate it when someone implies that we put on shows or entertain people. But when you look at it from their viewpoint, you realize that it may have been just a show for them. I serve as a spiritual act of worship – my worship involves art, various media formats and the tools that allow me to create environments and enhance worship. As we worship as the church; my worship, the musicians’ worship, the singers’ worship, the pastors’ worship, the ushers’ worship – they all come together to form corporate worship. Yet, if one who is not saved is in the midst of the congregation, to them it is just music, just a story, just a show or a performance. The difference is each of our hearts.

The really cool part of this whole performance (or is it worship?) is that Jesus can use our worship (or even our performance) to open the heart of stone, bring that person to repentance, and turn their performance into worship.

The sad part is that often we as Christians can slip into the performance mode. Each week as we enter into corporate worship, we must check our hearts, check our motives and make sure we are focusing on worshiping Jesus, not a picture perfect performance. If the Holy Spirit convicts us, showing us that we are not worshiping, we must repent, turning away from performing, turning towards Jesus and let our works worship Him.

Work is Good

Excellence in the Arts, Media - by - August 21, 2007 - 00:59 Etc/GMT+5 - Be first to Comment!

Remembering what this is all about
Sometimes we all start to feel overwhelmed in life by how much needs to be done, burned out by doing too much and generally depressed by the slow progress. Lately this condition has weighed heavily upon many in our ministry, so lets step back and remind ourselves what this is all about.

Why do we “DO” media? This is a conversation that I have often with people, and one that we have discussed here in the past, so we can keep this point short. First, media is the communication tool we can use to preach the Gospel, to distribute teaching and training to the believers and to encourage and build one-another up (1Thess 5:11.) Second, media is a creative expression of our worship. We were created by the Creator as creative creatures in His image, so it only makes sense that we creatively crave to create.

I was reminded this morning during my quiet time that the work is actually good for us. As we were created to be creative, we were also created for good works, to worship the Father in service to Him. Often work becomes tedious or burdensome because we lose sight of why we do it, or because we do it for the wrong reasons. Could it be that the “media ministry” has become overwhelming because we stray off course? Are we in it for the cool technology, or to hide out from “real church”? Are we getting distracted by good deeds that are not part of our ministry goals? Are we trying too hard to do “it” because we can? (whatever “it” may be.) Each one of us has to examine our own hearts, our own motives and answer that question.

So is there a lot to do? yes. Will we ever catch up? probably not. Is it fun? sometimes. Is it worth it? He is worth it.

Is Change Good?

Media - by - August 21, 2007 - 00:57 Etc/GMT+5 - Be first to Comment!

Why can’t things stay the same?
I hear it every time we make a change – “Why can’t you leave it alone?” or “What’s wrong with the way it was?”
I will ask a question in return. Are we doing it the best we can, or is a change required to do it better, faster, more efficiently? When you think about it, how can you get better, how can you grow, how can you do more without changing something?
I am always on the lookout for a way to improve, a way to excel at what we do, and unfortunately, this often requires change.
There is another reason for change, for doing something different. When things change, people tend to notice what they might have overlooked before. Why does McDonald’s put up new food pictures every couple of months? To get you to notice that meal deal and spend more money of course! Why do advertisers make new commercials to sell the same car? To get your attention again.
This can also really be a help to us personally – have you ever picked up a different translation of the bible and started reading, only to find a whole new world of biblical understanding open up for you?
When it comes to our media ministry, we can use both of these reasons for change to our benefit. We can continue to make improvements and try new ideas and we can use change to get peoples attention. It may be as simple as changing the background behind an announcement or as big as re-arranging the media desk and putting up new signage. Implementing changes may help people notice what they have been overlooking and help us do a better job in accomplishing our mission.

First Impressions

Excellence in the Arts, Media - by - August 13, 2007 - 16:07 Etc/GMT+5 - Be first to Comment!

and Lasting Impressions
We all have heard that First Impressions are important – often the first impression is the one that a guest will take away. As a media team we have several chances to help make good first impressions.
What makes an impression? What makes a good impression? These are questions that we need to answer and seek to improve to the best of our ability.
Why are good first impressions important? The experience of a Sunday worship service is the wrapping on the gospel. The First Impression changes the perspective from which the guest will view everything else they experience. Should we make guests feel comfortable or uneasy? Are we called to hospitality or do we hold more of a fortress mentality?
First contact: What is the first contact a guest might have with our church? The website? The sign at the street? A brochure or outreach packet delivered to their house? The Media Ministry has a part in each of these, how can we make them better?
First time attender: What does it feel like walking up to the building for the first time? What impressions are made as you walk into the Foyer? The Sanctuary? Does the “tech” blend in or does it stand out?
Can we go too far? Yes. When we start worrying more about the first impression than the worship, or the gospel or anything else that is more important, we have then placed too much importance on the external.
Next time you walk into our building take a minute to think about these things. How could we as a media ministry improve our impressions?


Media - by - July 30, 2007 - 15:34 Etc/GMT+5 - Be first to Comment!

Sometimes it is okay to question why

Do you ever see something and wonder “Why did they do it that way?” “Why is that there?”
I am convinced that one way we can improve our ministry is by always being on the lookout for the “WHY?” and seeking out the answer. Sometimes you might find out there is a good reason for something: “WHY are there big plants under the projection screen?”…. well, they are there to weight down the legs and keep the screen from falling over, and to hide the bright shiny legs of the screen.
Other times you might find something that needs to be fixed and just hasn’t been touched yet: “WHY are there mic cables taped to the back wall of the sanctuary?”… well, they are for the audience mics, but they really need hooked up in the ceiling.
But here is where it helps. Sometimes you will find things that “have always been done that way” or something that could be better or is not suppose to be: “WHY are the mic stands spilling out from ‘backstage’ all the time?”…. probably because there is stuff not put away where they go? “Why do we have to hide the technical equipment with flowers?”…. because we always have?

Is EXCELLENCE a dirty Word? (Part 3)

Excellence in the Arts, Media - by - July 28, 2007 - 00:50 Etc/GMT+5 - Be first to Comment!

(part one HERE)

Last week we talked about what NOT to do – but what should we be doing to be operating in excellence?

Creating Media that is part of the entire message of the service – it fits and is part of the whole.

Video that blends with the worship, not standing out from it. Graphics that reinforces the sermon, not confusing it or driving it. Backgrounds that reinforces the song we are singing, not distract from the words of the song. A good read on this topic can be found at: http://tinyurl.com/yvsqyj

Lighting that directs your attention where it needs to be, and helps hide things that might distract or hinder worshiping. Light that set and support the mood, not just become a show.

Audio that is just the right level that help us sing out and feel the congregation singing. A mix that conveys the worship from the platform to the pews. A recording that becomes a witnessing tool for a church member.

We are here to worship and glorify God and help others to do the same. So not only should we be actively getting rid of the bad things in the ministry, we also need to actively pursue doing more to enhance and reinforce the service.

Is EXCELLENCE a dirty word? (Part 1)

Excellence in the Arts, Featured, Media - by - July 28, 2007 - 00:43 Etc/GMT+5 - 2 Comments

Our media team does a great job, better than average as a matter of fact. According to a recent poll on churchmedia.net, most media teams experience 5 or more “errors” per service related to projection, audio and video cues and content prepared for the services.  I would say our average is closer to 3. Yet some members of the team get stresses out every time we talk about excellence, striving for excellence or praying for excellence. Has “excellence” become a dirty word?

Full Story

Is Excellence a Dirty Word? (Part 2)

Excellence in the Arts, Media - by - July 23, 2007 - 18:54 Etc/GMT+5 - 1 Comment

So previously we discussed the need for Excellence, not perfection. So now what is Excellence?
Some might say that if we remain invisible to the congregation for the service we have achieved it. Not drawing attention to the media or the Media Ministry is a great start.
In the visual world this might include: Menus on the IMAG screen, Bad Camera Shots, Wrong Words, long pauses before the videos plays. We want the audience to see the screens but not think about what it took to get it there or what should be there.
In the audio world; no feedback, mics on in time, loud enough to hear, not too loud that it hurts the ears, decent mix.
So we know we are doing a good job when nobody notices. When we get no complaints we have done our job well…. But this is only half of doing media in excellence. This is basically a list of what not to do, what about what we DO? Remember, part of our purpose as a Media Ministry is to help create an environment that is conducive to worship, to help encourage and amplify worship. We will look at the DO aspects of Excellence Next Week.

Is Excellence a Dirty Word? (Part 3)